Hi folks,
I hope that you had a great Holiday Season and I send you my best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2021.
No doubt 2021 will have many challenges, but also many opportunities and also a gradual return to pre-Covid normalcy as vaccinations rollout across our country and world.
Upcoming Meetings & Agendas
Regional Council, Budget Meetings, Community Council meetings, Virtual Public Hearings, and Standing Committee meetings all resume this week. At the bottom of this update you will find links to the Agendas for the Regional Council, Budget Committee sessions, and the Northwest Community Council meeting.
Upcoming Resident Surveys
Within the next week or so I will also be sharing with you links to two new public surveys being released by HRM Parks Planning. These are of particular importance to District 16 residents. One will address recreational needs in West / South Bedford. The second will address the needs and locations for access points and parking requirements for the Birch Cove Blue Mountain wilderness park. Stay tuned for further details!
Scott Manor & The Fort Sackville Foundation
Many District 16 residents are likely aware of the wonderful Scott Manor House museum, facility and grounds in Bedford. The Manor and property are owned by HRM and leased for a dollar annually to a volunteer group that operates the museum, operates the tea room, and serves our community as the researchers and custodians of Bedford’s history.
This group is known as the Fort Sackville Foundation. I have long been a fan and supporter of this group and their important work. The Foundation has asked me to help them source additional volunteers to join them and to assist them with their work. Please contact me if you have experience and interest in history, archival expertise, photography, research, and / or computer and technical savvy. They could really use your assistance, and I will connect to you with the executive of the Foundation’s board.
Links to Meeting Agendas
- https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/community-councils/january-11-2021-north-west-community-council-special
- https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/regional-council/january-12-2021-halifax-regional-council-special-meeting
- https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/regional-council/january-12-2021-special-budget-committee-meeting
As always, please let me know if you have questions, concerns or ideas!